
Pears are fruits that are sweeter and of a softer texture compared to apples. Pears are generally elongated, narrow at the stem end, and broader at the opposite end. The Indian Pears exporter exports tonnes of the fruit abroad from India. This Pears export from India has been increasing over the years. This may be because of the several health and medicinal benefits of Pears. The export of Pears includes the export of various varieties of Pears




Pears are fruits that are sweeter and of a softer texture compared to apples. Pears are generally elongated, narrow at the stem end, and broader at the opposite end. The Indian Pears exporter exports tonnes of the fruit abroad from India. This Pears export from India has been increasing over the years. This may be because of the several health and medicinal benefits of Pears. The export of Pears includes the export of various varieties of Pears



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